








概述 General Introduction YQS系列井用潜水三相异步电动机为充水密封型三相异步电动机,主要用于深井中驱动潜水泵提取地下水,为工矿企业,农田,牧场和居民生活提供生产和生活用水。本系列产品寿命长,易于维护,是目前理想的深井提水设备。 YQS series water-submersible 3-phase asynchronous motors are of water-filling and sealed 3-phase asynchronous motors. They are mainly used in deep wellto drive water submersible pumps so as to lift underground water for production and living usage for plants, mines, farm and resident. YQS series products have advanced technology, long service life and easy maintenance, are presently the most ideal water lifting equipment for deep well. 使用条件 Application Conditions 1. 电动机应完全潜入水中,立式使用,其潜入深度不大于70m,较低位置距井底不少于5m。 2. 电动机为连续工作制。 3. 介质水温不超过20℃。 4. 水质一般为清水,水中固体含量不大于0.01%(重量比)。 5. 水中不应含有化学腐蚀性的物质,其pH值应在6.5-8.5范围内。 6. 电动机必须充满洁净的水。 1. The motor should be submerged into water and be operated in vertical with a depth no more than 70m and the lower distance to the bottom of the well is no less than 5m. 2. The motor will operate continuously. 3. Medium water temperature should be no higher than 20℃. 4. Solid content of the medium water should be no more than 0.01%(by weight). 5. There’s no corrosive things in the water,and pH value should be 6.5-8.5. 6. The motor must be filled with clean water.